Use of techniques in scenes/ art

Golden Ratio – The golden ratio is used to create a journey of an art piece or scene by starting at one focal point and following the golden ratio pattern through the scene of which draws your attention as you look through the art/ scene.

Image result for golden ratio concept art

Rule of Thirds – The rule of thirds is used in art and scenes to where there is one area of focus next to empty space which makes a piece of art or scene more appealing.

Image result for rule of thirds concept art

Perspective – Perspective is used to set depth in a picture using both 1 and 2 point perspective on a horizon line which is most commonly scene and best in landscapes.

Image result for concept art perspective

Focal Point – Focal point is the first part of art or a scene in which your eye is drawn to such as a figure on a landscape.

Image result for focal point concept art

Mise en scene

Using certain objects in a scene to show what the scene is supposed to be and creating an atmosphere. Such as putting cars in a car park or or putting tables in a restaurant.

Image result for car park

Mise en scene is useful in games, animation and VFX as it creates an atmosphere so you know what type of place you are seeing or in and helps tell some backstory to the scene using props.

3D Model Security Desk

After doing the concept art I moved onto the 3D models for the game, as I was doing a majority of the models for the level I started with the security monitor desk that would be found in the security room. I started with this because this is where we wanted the most Easter eggs to be found like the concept art that I did for the alien. For the 3D models we wanted a basic texture so we could have it feel as if it was in an old style as we wanted it to be low poly. To make the desk i started with a square, I extruded it and moved it so it was in the shape of a curved desk.

After doing the desk i went onto the monitors, first I started with just one by using a square where I stretched it out to be the same basic rectangular shape as a monitor and beveled the back of it so it looked like the back of the monitor was how it should be. I then created a small square at the back which I extended the back out to be a stand. After making the first monitor I duplicated twice and positioned them around the table. I then duplicated the three monitors that I now had and moved the three new monitors above the original three monitors.

I then made the keyboard by using a square which I stretched out into the shape of a keyboard then I separated the top face of the keyboard into multiple squares and beveled them so it looked like keys on a keyboard. After doing the components of the model I went onto texture it and chose a grey/cyan for the desk, I then chose black for the monitors and ended with a variety of pictures that have a meaning to the group.

Level Design Concept Art (Synoptic Project)

After doing the character concept art I moved onto the level design concept art. For the brief of the synoptic project level design was Area 51 in the 1950s, 3 years after the Roswell New Mexico crash. Because of the brief I wanted to make the design of the level basic, but not too basic as we wanted to make it look a bit advanced for the time seeing as it was Area 51. I started of with the main room for the level design as I wanted to build out from the room for where it would work. As I wanted the cells to be the furthest from the end point of the level so I decided that the prison cells where you start would work from the left as it is a appealing layout to go from left to right in a level like a platformer.

After I did the prison cells I thought that there should be a security room next to the prison cells as I thought that would be a good place to put them as well as level progression I thought it would work to get rid of the security systems after coming out of the prison cells. After that as a group we had decided that we wanted to have a armoury so we could do like easter eggs of weapons from films or games that we grew up with as well as using it as a progression on the level to get one of the weapons.

After creating the side rooms I added an elevator so it would act as the end objective for the end of the level and game for the demo, but would act as a way of getting to the next level and eventually getting out of Area 51. To show how certain parts of the level will work I coloured the walls in grey and then colour coded the doors to red, objects to green and the objective to blue. I added objects to get a basic idea of having crates, tables and other objects scattered on the level. Then to finish the concept I created a floor plan of the level so when it was put in Unity it would be clear how it should look.

Area 51 Guards Concept Art (Synoptic Project)

The first thing I did when I wanted to make the concept art for the guards was searching for American military uniforms and then deciding on the styles that would suit the game. After I decided on the styles of uniform I wanted I looked at cartoon for security for inspiration on the characters look that I wanted for them as I would be creating different versions of the guards.

Image result for american military uniforms
Image result for american military uniforms
Image result for johnny test mr black

After I found all that I needed I went onto photoshop and started off with going through various looks for the head and put them all on the same body to see which design would turn out better. I then chose the head design I thought was best and then added highlights and shadows then added colour to it.

After I got the finalized design I then went and duplicated it three times to do different variations of the guard design and then changed the clothes a bit for other variations.

Alien concept Art (Synoptic Project)

In my group for the synoptic project we for the brief we decided to make it an alien trying to escape Area 51 as we thought it would match well with the brief to make a game like untitled goose game. What we did first was split up the roles for what suited each person well. For the project I am doing the character concept art and I started of by doing the concept art for the Alien in the game.The first idea for the alien was for it to look it was mischievous but not to mischievous and also give a simplistic look as we had planned to have a low poly look like untitled goose game.

The first part of the concept art was making three designs for the head which i wanted to keep basic, I made various head shapes but i wanted to try to stay away from a what everyone thinks an alien look like. I then decided to added a body to each head in the style that I thought would fit the look of the head so for the first head i decided on a basic skinny physique for it, on the second head I went for a muscular physique as I felt that it had a more fleshed out look to it. For the last head i decided on a chubby physique as I felt it matched the same as the head.

I decided on the final alien design as I felt it was very different from the typical alien look while maintaining a basic look to it. To change up the typical view of an alien again i went for a light metallic blue for it’s skin, then for the outfit I knew that I wanted to use black for the accent colour of the outfit and then used green as it matched the black accents of the outfit and compliments the blue really well. Then for the eyes I didn’t want to use black again and went with a dark purple because I find that it is good for a dark and reflective look.

Idea Generation – Clustering

By using clustering to generate some ideas I have been able to come up with some original ideas and have come up with three ideas and have developed a basic story behind the three ideas:

  1. A place where medieval kingdom and a jungle combine with some modern technology, in the kingdom there are knights that have animals that are found in jungles that protect the kingdom. In the dark part of the jungle there is a new darkness that has been able to bring skeletons back to life by fusing them with nature. You play as a knight and have to find and defeat the evil that has risen the dead with your jungle animal and your trusty chainsaw for a sword.
  2. A version of Earth where instead of humans there are reptiles. The location of the game is in Japan, there is peace until one day there is new visitors on Earth which are dragons and they feast on the reptiles of Earth. To protect the future of your species you play as a lizard who is part of an elite team and have to suit up in mech suits to defeat the dragons.
  3. You play as a bear who is stranded on a random planet with a hover board, you have to travel to different planets to discover what happened to you and where your family are. As you travel to different planets you discover that you have special abilities and more about what happened to your family. As you go to different planets there will be a different design on each one and it will have a story that you can connect with.

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